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Restarting Your Flywheel

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In the last newsletter, I challenged you to never stop pushing on the flywheel (your fundamentals). But what if your flywheel has already ground to a halt? What if your Operational Excellence has become inconsistent?

How do you restart your flywheel?

First, let me remind you that the flywheel is a giant stone wheel that might take an hour to get moving. It’s a lot of work to get started. And it’s a lot of work to restart.
This is not a side project you assign to a few specialists for three to six months. It could be that you need to delay other initiatives and pause your big marketing spend until you become consistent with your core services.

In fact, after working with many companies in many industries, I have yet to see a company make major, lasting upgrades in Operational Excellence in less than a year’s time. Very small companies can be much nimbler, of course, but even 10 people on your staff means this could take a while.

I wish I had better news, but it doesn’t serve you well for me to give you false expectations. If you’re going to go on a journey, I want you to know how much food and water to pack. You don’t want to estimate wrong and end up halfway to your goal without the resources or energy to keep going.

Operational Excellence is the big beast of the Customer Experience Engine. It’s the hardest element to get right, but it’s also the most important.   It’s your flywheel. No matter how innovative you become, never stop pushing your flywheel. Let’s Talk! and the team at Swoz Consulting    

Upcoming Events SAVE THE DATE! February Webinar on 25th at 1:30 pm EST
Topic: Operational Excellence Narrow Your Focus   Do you have Raving Fans? Are you creating a positive customer experience that sets your business apart from the competition?   Customers today have more choices than ever before, and their expectations for excellent service and personalized experiences are higher than ever.   The Swoz Consulting Customer Experience Engine self-assessment will help you determine how well your organization is creating loyal brand ambassadors and if you may need to upgrade your customer experience engine.   Take the Self Assessment Now!   LISTEN HERE   Block 22nd     Facebook LinkedIn Podcast spotify 1741 Newnan Crossing Blvd East Suite O-556
Newnan, Georgia 30265, United States Unsubscribe or Manage Preferences  

Meet The Author, Scott Wozniak

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